Monday, May 5, 2008

PARVO threat: Buttercup Puppies a Scam

There are puppies advertised by a breeder located in Croswell, MI, at a website called

The breeder advertises "holistic" breeding practices, and sells Maltese, Shih Tzu, Poodles, Bichon Frise, Westies, Yorkies, and combinations and mixtures of these including "Buttercups", "English Munchkins", etc. Other addresses are also used, including Detroit and Sterling Hgts, although we believe this to be the only breeder of some of the advertised mixes.

Prices are advertised up to $1000. Health is advertised as Guaranteed. However.....

HOLISTIC practices seem to mean NO VETERINARY treatment.
No checkups, no testing, no deworming, no shots.... and sometimes, VERY VERY SICK LITTLE PUPPIES!!!!!!

PARVO was diagnosed in the last litter of "Buttercups". Since the mothers aren't immunized, the puppies aren't protected. But, the breeder assumes no responsibility, and to our knowledge, is still breeding, selling and holistically abusing these dogs.
Thanks for reading. People just have to know about this....


Unknown said...

You have all your information wrong. For starters I have never sold a puppy to anyone but someone who comes to my home, which I only have one of. I have never sold a puppy to be resold and have never given a puppy to someone else to sell.

If we had a case of Parvo recently, I never heard about it. Our puppies also haven't had Parvo. If you do your research you will see that most the Parvo cases are from VACCINATED puppies. My vet admitted this to me and yes we actually have a vet. I have lost 4 puppies after giving a Parvo shot and one puppy from a 5 way shot. A puppy immunized before 12-14 weeks does not receive ANY immunity to the disease whatsoever. What does happen to the puppy after it is immunized, is it ends up with a compromised immune system, THEN it can get Parvo. Vaccines compromise the immune system at any age. Do your pets a favor and read what is on my website. It is mostly comprised of veterinarian quotes.

I would guess that your Spoiled Maltese have health issues. Or, that you have lost a pet when it was at a young age. Ask yourself why this is? My holistic practices are why my dogs never ever get sick.

It appears you know very little about puppies. If you didn't worm a puppy, and it does need it more than one time, it would end up being a very sickly puppy indeed. Obviously you missed that part of my website where I talked about worming.

By the way, you know so little about me, you don't even have the breeds right.

But I happen to know alot about you. You think I don't know who you are but I am fairly certain I do. I know your address and even your husbands place of business and address. Did he design your lovely home too? At any rate my lawyer won't have a hard time proving this is your blog.

You need to remove your blog or we will be prosecuting to the full extent of the law.

buttercuppuppy said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

I would like more information on what you are stating, reason being I purchased 2 buttercups one being born 5/5/08 the other on 5/13/08, from a breeder in croswell, mi.I just came across your posting. please respond with information to back up your claim.

Maryjo from Buttercup Puppies said...

This woman did buy a puppy from me and after a week or two went by she called me saying her puppy had parvo. I felt sick inside and right away told her we would give her her money back.

My husband happened to be sitting right there and when I hung up I told him about it. That was when we realized we didn't have any sick puppies. We were puzzled by how she could have parvo.

After about 10 minutes I called her back and asked her for her vets name and number. I thought maybe he could shed some light on this. Maybe there was something about parvo I didn't understand.
She refused to give it to me.
Why not?
This woman was also slurring her words when I called her back.
No exaggeration here!
Only 10 or 15 minutes had gone by!
So strange!

I got off the phone and thought the conversation very odd.
She mumbled something about having to take a shower.
It was weird.
Her personality was completely different. This was a grown woman who worked at a hospital.

I had 2 puppies left from the litter she bought from, so we took them to the vet for a parvo test. They tested negative for parvo.

I have to tell you that our vet is one of the best. People travel far to see him and he is so busy he is not even accepting new patients.

So the vet does a parvo snap test.
They go right up their little rectums to get a sample, it was negative. We told him what happened with this woman because we were puzzled.

He said not to give her her money back because we didn't have parvo.
Plus, why wouldn't she give me her vet name and number. It was so so weird. Our vet suggested that she was trying to scam us.

By the way, there were 2 in the litter that I had already sold and none of them had parvo.
Even after the 2 remaining puppies were sold, they never contracted parvo. That is because I didn't have parvo and this woman who said her puppy had parvo did not.

If her puppy really did have parvo and she gave me her vet name and number so I could talk to him, we possibly would have given her her money back.
We don't think her puppy had parvo, neither does our vet.

I let her know she would not be getting her money back.
My husband and I went back and forth about this and really tried to do the right thing, but you can't let people scam you.

Soon I got my court summons.

In court she had a huge stack of papers, I don't know what they were, I think she was just trying to impress the judge. I mean the stack was so large, it was comical. The judge only ended up with a few of these papers.
There was nothing from a vet saying her puppy had parvo. There wasn't even anything there from a vet at all! The judge asked her about this and she was vague. The judge pointed this out to her and so she lost.

How terrible of her to waste tax payers money, for nothing!

How could she think the judge was going to rule in her favor when she didn't even have anything from her vet saying her puppy had parvo.

Maybe she just wanted to waste my day and cause me some stress.
Maybe she was trying to scam me.
That's what our vet said as he shared some personal stories with us.

She did a good job of being pathetic, she even brought her very very old, stooped mother with her who had to walk slowly with a cane.

So this woman has a blog about me. As of right now, I cannot sue her because it is a blog and not a website. I guess she knew that ahead of time.

I noticed others have commented but she deleted them.
I wonder why.

What's sad to me, is I could slam her parents restaurant. Yes, her family has a restaurant in a busy area in MI. I am not like that though.

You can read this in it's entirety on my Tidbit's Page on my website.


tbear1102 said...

MaryJo- I was seriously interested in buying one of your puppies. I googled more info on buttercup puppies and came across this.
You are a mess! I would never buy anything from you. Not even a stick of gum!!
Your defensiveness shows just how crazy you are!

Btw should I leave my name and number so you can hunt me down, along with any living relatives so you can find some way to cut me down just to build yourself back up???

tbear1102 said...

If you are so honest and ethical AND looooove those puppies that you claim that you do, then WHY wouldn't you just honor your 5 yr guarantee and take the puppy back if she wasn't satified???????


RJ said...

This blog is a scam. It is real simple... You cannot poison an animal into health. Applying toxic chemicals to any living creature destroys their potential. We bought a Yorkie-poo from a local breeder here in Texas. The puppy was given all the vaccines including the Parvo shot. The vaccine actually gave our dog Parvo and she died. You don't see dogs in the wild contracting cancer and riddled with chronic illness. These dogs don't need any help healing, just no interference. Thanks Mary Jo!

EatPrayLove said...

I ADOPTED FROM THIS LADY. WORST MISTAKE EVER!!! DO NOT adopt from her. I absoltely love my dog. However, I took him to his first vet visit three days after having him. The dog is riddled with fleas and has tape worm. Not to mentioned I had to spend a ton of money bringing him up to date on vaccinations because it's ILLEGAL not to vaccinate your dog. She sells sick dogs to people who don't know any better. Save yourself the $ and adopt from a shelter. Those dogs are taken care of MUCH better.

IBI N UBU said...

Wow am I glad people finally have the moxie to speak their minds, as I do believe the constitution clearly states. Now anything I say here is answered to the best of my knowledge and are answered to the best of my ability. I have no reason to exaggerate any claims on this blog. However, I would like to post this blog in hopes that whoever decides to purchase a buttercup puppy, that they get a heads up on the potential heartache ahead of them.
The reason I'm posting a comment on this blog is because my mother purchased a buttercup puppy that was born on January 8th, 2014 and we picked it up approximately March 12, 2014. In any case it was 9 weeks old. I found it odd that she refused to give the puppy up not a single day before the 8 week mark. She was adamant on it..very adamant! Strange. When we finally picked the puppy up she reeked of urine. Not a very good 1st impression since we were told that she would be washed clean before pickup. Immediately we were given litigious paperwork to read that clearly stated that MaryJo is not responsible for blah blah blah and that we had to stick with an extremely strict regiment of food, water, ect. Thats fine and dandy but once u switch dog food your warranty on this dog is null and void.
I think her rebutle is going to be that we didn't feed the pup the food she sells to you( another way of creating revenue?) or for the vaccinations we had done. In my opinion, a dog would have to have weak lineage if it cant withstand a mere diet change or a shot that is the norm not the exception. Right off the bat my impression of the whole thing was skeptical at best. Now for $1,500, $800 as a down payment(NON-RETURNABLE!!!) and the other $700 to complete the purchase, you'd think there would be a little leniency in the buyers opinion. Just remember folks, its Maryjos' way or the highway and I'm not even close to blowing what I'm saying out of proportion. On top of the $1500 for the puppy, it was approximately $200 for the spading, $100 for shots, frontline, ect. That doesn't include expenses for the Necropsy and the private cremation when she passed away on us 2 days shy of her 1 year birthday...
$50 for the necropsy/autopsy and $133 for the cremation. An absolutely heartbreaking experience for both my mother and me. Her initial Grand Mal seizure was so great that we knew after an hour of this that she would never be the same again. Which is the reason why we did't want to bring her in and traumatize her further. I must state that the decision not to bring her to the vet was made not because of the price of the vet bill but was made to alleviate her trauma. She would have had to be put on phenobarbital or some kind of non seizing drug for the rest of her life. According to the autopsy her heart and lungs were enlarged because of the initial impact caused from the seizure. Both were bruised significantly. She seized for 16 hrs straight and died in my mothers arms. The autopsy indicated no poisonous substance or worms in the intestinal tract, stool or heart. Results were inconclusive unless I was willing to pay $5,000 for a state necropsy. It wouldn't bring her back in any case.I had the autopsy done to reassure my mother that the fault didn't lie with us.
Litigiously our hands are tied. MaryJo is in it for greed, not breed. People, please save yourself the heartache and do your research. I would venture to guess that i will be threatened on this blog but nothing on this blog I've stated is untrue. Now if you want my information MaryJo I would be willing to speak the truth in front of the judge of your choice. This has become an expensive and emotionally heartbreaking situation at best.

bryer said...

Those of you that purchase a puppy from this breeder, where did you go to pick up your puppy. she is very careful not to let her address be known, but I am sure you had to get her address to pick up your puppy. Call the local animal control and have them do a "wellness check" they will go out and examine the property and the conditions under which the animals are being housed. she doesn't want anyone to see this. any reputable breeder would welcome and in fact insist that you come and meet the parents, see the puppies before adopting, not just pick from websites. she doesn't want anyone to come and see the puppies, she says she is afraid of parvo, but if her puppies are so healthy there is no risk of that. I agree about no vaccines, I am concerned that she is running a puppy mill and really abusing her breeder dogs. any reputable breeder will have the lineage of parents on website, eye and hip testing etc. So, please for the sake of the poor dogs she is puppymilling those of you who purchased a puppy from her contact the animal control for that area and request a wellness check. Is her last name Sliwinski? Her phone number look up shows a Clements Sliwinski and a Ralph Vaquera with an address of 8917 Dudley Rd Brown city MI, but Sliwinski has no address. Please, Please respond and help these animals if she is running a puppy mill.

Lykopis said...

Maryjo tortures her animals by refusing medical treatment for them as well as treating them with turpentine. She has been reported for animal torture.

Unknown said...

This is obviously the same person posting bad comments. It's pretty obvious. I dont know any of you. I have coveted this woman's dogs for quite some time but could never afford more than 500 for a dog lol but I can just say that its pretty obvious that no one with a bit of intelligence would take this seriously as there would be much more proof online spanning years if any of this were true and that's not the case. Also im sure the breeder has many references.

Unknown said...

Also the fact that the blog owner has deleted comments from the breeder shows they have something to hide when she's just defending her business from a lunatic. There's your sign.

ArmyWife4Life said...

The blog owner didn't remove the comments. When it says, "This comment has been removed from the author," it means that the person who wrote the comment actually deleted it themselves.

Unknown said...

I hope this holistic Maltese breeder finds who ever this slanderer is and sues them down to their shorts. There is always a troll or two out there wanting to cause grief and raise Hell for people trying to do the right things for the right reasons. I fully intend to get one of her little Maltese and thank God for the privilege.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Reflecting on my experience with Buttercup puppies I would agree with Bryer comments in this blog. I believe she's brokering these puppies or possible running a puppy mill. I regret my purchase of a Maltippo from her everyday. Yes I have had problems with it being aggressive to everyone, including me.. I paid Maryjo $3500 cash for this Maltipoo that she said was so special- with an adult weight of 4-5lbs, no tear staining, and sweet and has turned to be a complete deception. I am just heart-sick over the entire experience .... And when I contacted her about the dog's severe aggression ....her reply of "support" was " I have no control over what you do to one of my puppies once it leaves my house" Maryjo insists that you buy a specific Life's Abundance food b/c she gets a financial kick back every time you do, I have since quit her food program b/c I want absolutely nothing do with Maryjo ever again! I am stuck with this dog that I can't trust around people b/c she erupts into aggressions and snapping towards people. ( and btw- the dog is now 8 lbs....not 4lbs as advertised ) I sure which I had read this blog prior to my purchase!

M&M said...

Agree with most of these comments. I purchased what was supposed to be a Maltipoo. (she looks like she had pomeranian in her also) anyway my first conversation with her was strange when I called to inquire about getting one of her Maltipoo puppies. She was rude and short with me when I was asking her questions. She said" Are you wanting to get a puppy or not?" I was speechless for a moment and said "Um that is why I called you" she then said oh well I got a strange email earlier. Not professional in the least. Well I really wanted to get a puppy and called her back and she was very nice this time. I decided to go ahead and purchase the puppy and immediately put the deposit down. The day I went to pick up my puppy I had a strange feeling right from the start. She told me I had an hour time frame. She had all her products set up on the table to sell to me. She didn't even take the time to introduce me to my new puppy I was so excited to get. I had to go looking for the puppy to try to pick her up and play with her. The whole experience was very strange and wrong. The puppy was sort of lethargic not playing or anything. Then I looked down and noticed the puppy had no tail. They docked her tail which I was upset about. I kept trying to talk to her about the puppy but she was only interested in selling me her holistic products. I do follow most of the holistic things but was not interested in buying it from her. In order for her guarantee on the puppy to be valid, you must follow her rules. She did make an exception on the food for me because I feed my dogs raw diet. I knew at that time I should have walked out but my heart was set on getting this puppy already and my grandkids were home waiting for me to bring her home. WELL this is where it really gets bad. The puppy was FULL OF FLEAS!! I was LIVID! she told me her daughter had just given her a bath and didn't see any. Well first of all this puppy was not clean. She smelled and the fleas were crawling all over her belly. I sent her an email and the response I got was. "Oh I'm sorry do you want me to send you some of my flea stuff?" UM NO I already got my own. I spent the first 2 weeks battling fleas instead of enjoying my new puppy. My other Maltipoo got them too from the new puppy. I had to totally clean everything in my house, carpet, furniture etc. I as pissed to say the least. I truly believe this women is totally in it for the money. What breeder is more concerned about selling you stuff then showing you your new puppy? I should have walked out then but live and learn. I love the puppy now but we did not get off to a good start. And I still cant get over the docked tail on her. ugh. NEVER AGAIN with this breeder!

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Dear M&M So sorry about your experience w Buttercup puppies...My experience with her had similarities to yours. PLEASE put your review on It will get a lot of traffic over there! I wish there were honest reviews when I was looking for a puppy! I fell prey to the same emotional conflict.....I had a bit of a funny feeling about everything with her, but I had the family waiting for me to bring home the puppy and I really wanted to believe Maryjo. I now feel if a buyer told Maryjo they were looking for a puppy that was rainbow fur.....Maryjo would say Yes I have one of those for you......and it poops out golden nuggets too!.....Just give me your all your cash!!!!

M&M said...

Icannot seem to be able to write a review on yelp unfortunately. I would love to as I have alot more to say

Unknown said...
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Katymc said...

I too bought a puppy from buttercup puppies and she insisted that I pick up the puppy at a different location then her house. Something to do with her autistic son being tutored and she didn't want them interrupted. At the time I was so excited about getting the puppy I didn't suspect anything. When I met her to pick up the puppy she was very thin but otherwise seemed healthy. During our conversation I felt kind of uncomfortable (bad vibes) but I ignored it. I also bought food and other products from Maryjo. At first I followed her instructions but the puppy started losing weight. I took her to the vet and had her get her shots and change her food. She gained weight after that and everything seemed fine. she was still a picky eater but some dogs are. About a year later her appetite started to change for the worse. Sometimes she would eat other times she refused even the treats she loves. After many visits to the vet and a lot of money later I found out she has kidney disease. I love my dog very much but if I had read this blog ahead of time I would have looked elsewhere. I don't know if this is due to the breeding or care from Maryjo but after reading this blog I'm very suspicious. Now it's up to you whether you buy from Maryjo or not. By the way, my puppy was supposedly the last in the litter at five months old. Maryjo said she would give me a deal at $1,200. I don't know how much others paid for 8 week olds, just a heads up.

Unknown said...

Maryjo, if you're reading this, would you mind sharing the name and number of your vet? I would like to talk with him or her about their stance on vaccinations being bad. I am open to hearing it from an educated professional.

Unknown said...

I too was a victim of this scam. My dog was born 3/8/2008 and I got her in April, at 6 weeks. Yes, that is too early to take the pup from her mother but for Mary Jo, it is a dollar game. Six days after being home my dog became sick, PARVO. I bought her at 2 lbs and she was only ounces when I took her to the vet hospital. Eleven days in the hospital and only released because she had no more veins to tap. She went back daily for 2 weeks for sub-q fluids. She survived after much heartache and a lot of money. I took Mary Jo to small claims court but the "health guarantee" I signed did not cover PARVO or anything else for that matter. Her whole life my girl had digestive issues because of the PARVO. She died at the age of 12 from kidney cancer. Mary JO is a piece of work to say the least.
Because of my experience with her, I educated myself on animals, now run an animal shelter and spend a lot of time working to put monsters like her out of business.

Unknown said...

Her house is a filthy pig pen which is why she doesn't want anyone picking up there! I was there. She told me to use the bathroom before I came because hers was being worked on. I wouldn't have used the bathroom in that house to save my life!

Unknown said...

I just realized that Mary Jo's comment above is about me, the one who worked in a hospital, family owned a restaurant and brought my mother to court. My " very very old mother" as she claimed was with me in court walking slow and using a cane was in fact 75 years old at the time and has never used a cane, still doesn't. I brought vet papers and the judge even thought she was quite a piece of work. The only reason I lost the court case is because her so called "health guarantee" excluded PARVO and just about everything else under the sun. She claims her "does a parvo snap test. They go right up their little rectums to get a sample, it was negative". UMMMM A snap test is a drop of blood not a stool sample!
Anyone who was innocent would not make lame threats about my family's restaurant and all the other BS she was talking about, slurring my words, ok!